San Juan Capistrano
Fiesta Association

The Swallows Day Parade is one of the nation’s largest
non-motorized parades and draws interest worldwide.

Welcome to the San Juan Capistrano Fiesta Association

Sign Up to be an Entry in the the 2025 Swallows Day Parade
March 22nd 2025 11:00 AM – 1:00PM

Parade Entry Online

Parade Application

Click Below to Visit our Swallows Parade Webpage for More Information

The famous Budweiser Clydesdales will be marching in the 2025 Swallows Day Parade!

The world-famous Budweiser Clydesdales, the symbol of quality and tradition for Anheuser-Busch since 1933, are scheduled to be an entry in the
2025 San Juan Capistrano Fiesta Association Swallows Day Parade.

The eight-horse hitch will be harnessed and hitched to the famous red beer wagon. The “Gentle Giants,” as they are often referred to, are making their second appearance in this parade.

The Clydesdales’ appearance in the Swallows Day Parade is one of hundreds made annually by the traveling hitches.  Canadians of Scottish descent brought the first Clydesdales to America in the mid-1800’s. Today, the giant draft horses are used primarily for breeding and show.

Horses chosen for the Budweiser Clydesdale hitch must be at least three years of age, stand approximately 18 hands – or six feet – at the shoulder, weigh an average of 2,000 pounds, must be bay in color, have four white legs, and a blaze of white on the face and black mane and tail. A gentle temperament is very important as hitch horses meet millions of people each year.

A single Clydesdale hitch horse will consume as much as 20-25 quarts of feed, 40-50 pounds of hay and 30 gallons of water per day. Each hitch travels with a Dalmatian. In the early days of brewing, Dalmatians were bred and trained to protect the horses and guard the wagon when the driver went inside to make deliveries.

The Budweiser Clydesdales can be viewed at the Anheuser-Busch Brewery and Grant’s Farm in St. Louis, MO. They also may be viewed at Warm Springs Ranch, the 300-plus acre Clydesdale breeding farm located near Boonville, MO. The Fiesta Association is so proud to host the world-famous Budweiser Clydesdales in the 2025 San Juan Capistrano Fiesta Association Swallows Day Parade.

A message from our San Juan Capistrano
Fiesta Association President

Fiesta Association President: Jim Taylor

Hello. I’m San Juan Capistrano Fiesta Association President Jim Taylor.  Being the leader of our historic association for the past six years has certainly had its challenges. We survived Covid and an Equine Virus over the past few years.  We are strengthened by the support of our totally awesome city council and numerous local corporate sponsors who did not request a refund when the parade was cancelled.  Our organization is so grateful to our community for supporting us. I am convinced this is because, through challenging times, the Swallows Day Parade has always brought us together in one large celebration of the incredible history of our beautiful city. We simply ask that you continue your support as we prepare for the
65th annual Swallows Day Parade and events in 2025.
Our Theme this year is – LASSOS AND LACE !

Thank you Linda Hakim from
Best Version Media for publishing a wonderful article about the Swallows Day Parade.

“We help local businesses get noticed, trusted, and remembered as the best go-to business in their industry. We do this via our multi-media marketing strategy that includes print, digital, social media, networking, referrals, sports website, videos, and more. We have access to community magazines nationwide that also include digital marketing.”

A Big Thank You to our
San Juan Capistrano
Fiesta Association 2024 Sponsors

Thank you Kevin Middletown, 1st VP Regional Manager of Farmers and Merchants Bank their generous 20,000 donation to the
SJC Fiesta Association. They are the
2024 Fiesta de Las Golondrinas sponsor!

Meet your 2025 San Juan Capistrano Fiesta Association Board of Directors

The SJC Fiesta Association receives our “Blessing” from our very supportive SJC City Council
for the 2024 Swallows Day Parade and Events.

On Tuesday, March 19th, St Josephs Day, the SJC City Council officially recognized the Fiesta Association and the Fiesta De Las Golondrinas for the 2024 season. For the first time, members of the Round About Players, led by Gary McCarver, made sure that Mayor Farias acted in an honorable fashion as he officially approved of the Swallows Day Parade season with all of the events. Mayor Farias was also given an official 2024 Fiesta Association belt buckle for making the right decision:) Thank you SJC City Council for your support! Photos courtesy of Rick Valasek.  

Attend our yearly Fiesta Association Events coming in 2025

Membership Mixer

Taste Of San Juan

Pet Parade

El Presidente Ball

Hairiest Man

Fiesta Grande

Hoos’ Gow Day

Frog Jumping

Swallows Day Parade

Mercado Street Fair

Farewell To The Swallows

Join the Fiesta Association Online!

2025 SJC Fiesta Association Calendar of Events

Enjoy watching former Swallows Day Parades

The San Juan Capistrano Fiesta Association is entirely funded by public and private donations.
Please click Donate or use our QR Code to make a donation of any size. Thank you!
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